Friday, May 8, 2009

I'm at home. I'm taking a break from cleaning my room and unpacking. I realized when I got home that I have way too much stuff. I needed to make room for the important things. I'm getting rid of stuff. I'm also getting rid of some of my fat clothes that I still have. I wanted to hang onto them in case I gained weight again, but I decided I'm not going to let myself gain weight. I will stay in the 6-8 range that I am in, and I will not buy a 9! I will not buy large shirts! I will buy only medium and small shirts.

My point is, my room is demolished. There is crap everywhere. I still have to unpack the van and my car. But I wanted to start by emptying my room to the best of my ability. So I'm taking a break.

Here's something fun. I'm going to learn to play the banjo this summer and hopefully I'll be able to be a part of the bluegrass band in the fall. I'm really excited to learn. I've wanted to play the banjo since I was 5 or so. Since I already play the guitar, my banjo instructor in the fall, Buddy, said it should be really easy for me to pick up. And I think that's great :)

He lent me a banjo for the summer and gave me a 498 page video e-book thingy for my computer. I absolutely cannot wait to start, but I really need to get all the other things in the world straightened up before I can actually sit down and not worry about having to do other things. I really want to focus hardcore and learn it.

I am finally registered for the summer Biology class at WVUP. It starts June 15 and ends July 9. The class goes MTWRF from 9-12:45. I'm going to be so tired.

I've applied for some jobs. I really want one. I need one. But the unfortunate thing is that this class is right smack dab in the middle of summer. Who wants to hire someone who can't work for a whole month? I mean, I could work and take the class. But I already know I'm going to be exhausted after that class is over. Monday-Friday! It's going to wear me out.

So I think that if I don't get a job it'll still be ok. That just means I'll have more time to focus on the banjo and get events organized for the youth group this summer. That probably also means I can go to camp with them again.

I'll have money. I have a savings account, that I don't really like to tap into, but I could. In the fall I'll have the RA job, adding a sweet $680.00 a month to my checking account. So if I use money out of my savings this summer, I can replace it easily when I get my first check.

I am happy to be home, but I am going to miss everyone SO badly. I'm going to miss Tanya, Joanna, Daryl, and Cecily pretty badly because they're all either graduating or transferring. As for my other good buddies, I'll miss them. But I'll have many opportunities to see them all this summer. So it'll be alright. I just hate meeting people, growing to love them, and then losing them right as I appreciate their friendships the most. :( I'll see them all again, eventually. Even if I have to fly to Canada!!

I think that's all I can come up with for now.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

some stuff that's happened within the past month or so

Ok, we don't have much time. And I just want to clarify that my "bold" button isn't pushed right now. But now it is. And I would also just like to clarify that I didn't tell it to underline anything. It's just doing it.

Here's some stuff that's happened within the past month or so.

I'd like to start with my toenails.
As a group, we all got together and decided to paint our toenails
. This is what I ended up doing, and it stayed and stayed and stayed. I finally took it off yesterday and put a normal color on.

So, these pictures are of Tanya. And holy smokes its not underlined anymore! I don't know folks. Something fishy is going on. Well, anyway, here's my favorite Tanya. I can't remember if she had been drinking, or if she had just been to the gym, but for some reason her face was bright red. She said she was burning up and asked me if I had anything cold in my refrigerator. I told her she could use whatever she could find.
She found frozen pineapple.

Her nipples must have been a little warm, too.

So a couple of days ago, a bunch of us decided to go to the waffle hut. The bad thing about going to the waffle hut at night, is that all the creeps come out. It's open 24/7 so you know that the inbred, hillbilly rednecks all come out. See what I mean!

Would you believe I was the only normal one there? Everyone else had issues. Mary Sue had something on her mind all evening...

And Tanya stole Amber's phone so she could text her husband all night long. She didn't pay a bit of attention to us.


I don't have a lot of time, so I'll have to finish my blog of stuff that's happened in the past month or so another time.

I just want to end with this picture. I was driving back to Glenville, and I was mad because I didn't want to go to Glenville, so I was driving fast-ish. I came around this turn and I was like "WHOA!" So I slammed on my breaks, slid a little bit, and backed up until I could get this picture taken.

And I think its super pretty.

Ok, thats it for now.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mr. Special

I've been writing this paper for one of my English classes, and I realized, "It's been awhile since you've taken a break. Why don't you blog?" Ok.

I have seen the man of my dreams! He is real, he is alive, and he isn't a dork. He's real living flesh and blood, but the only problem is that I've never met him. THAT'S OK though. I will... maybe. It's entirely possible.

The way I'm looking at this is that its my turn now. I've been waiting, almost for forever. I'll be 21 in September. I told Mary Sue that if I didn't have a boyfriend, or any possibilities by the end of the next fall semester, I'll turn gay. It will be an overnight thing, too. I'm sure of it. I'll wake up and like girls.

Sometimes I really do look at myself and go "what's wrong with me?" (and here's when all my friends go, 'oh alli, there's nothing wrong with you. They are the ones who have problems'. And by "they" you mean the boys that aren't interested.) I'm not actually saying, "I have so many physical flaws and moral failures and terrible personality traits that nobody wants to date me", I'm saying, "I think I'm wearing boy repelent". I want to know who makes it. And I want it to be discontinued from production.

I'm going to eat this cupcake.

I went to my fridge to get milk, and I saw a can of coke. So I'm eating mini cupcakes and drinking coca-cola. Life is pretty good at the moment.

I really do remember actually feeling that way though. That there was something really wrong with me. But, I know I'm fearfully and wonderfully made. So its not really something thats wrong with me, its that I'm so special that nobody can match me. Someday I'll meet Mr. Special.

That's really been the only thing on my mind lately.
It just happens to effect everything I do.
I can't sleep, I can't concentrate. I don't want to go to classes.
It just comes in various forms at various times and I stop to think about it in different ways.
Oh. sorry.
That's right. Now where was I?
This has been a good blog post. It is lengthy enough that it seems that I've put time and effort into its production. I find it somewhat humorous. I took a break from my paper, and now I feel a bit more rested.

The 8 o'clock bell just tolled. It's time to go.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I smell vinegar.

I've been working non-stop on a history project for my Linguistics class. I'm learning some interesting things, such as:

"The Great Vowel Shift". Early Modern English began a transformation of vowel sounds. Observe:

Mouse would have sounded like "moose" because the "ou" sounded like "oo".

Thats about all for my language class... I have a few more interesting things to share.I'm going to the beach for Spring Break, and I got myself an itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini. And I am ever so excited to wear it. I ordered it from Vickie's today, and it should be here no later than Thursday. That is the correct top and bottom, but the bottom should be yellow polka dots instead of stripes. I'm excited. :)

Its adorable.
I just feel so bad for that poor girl, I'm afraid I'm going to look a lot better in it than she does. I hate to brag. My ivory white skin, flat chest, and perfectly rounded luv handles will add a nice touch.

I think I'm pooped. Its almost midnight. I need to go to sleep.

Goodnight yall.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Found some quotes I'd like to share:

Solamen miseris socios habbuisse doloris. - Misery Loves Company (Latin)

In my contact with people I find that, as a general rule, it is only the little, narrow people who live for themselves, who never read good books, who do not travel, who never open up their souls in a way to permit them to come into contact with other souls--with the great outside world.
- Booker T. Washington

The sky looks ever so deep when you lay on your back in the moonshine. -Huck
Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn

You know that place halfway between awake and asleep? That place where you still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you. -Tinkerbell
Julia Roberts in Hook

When God says "no", there must be a greater "yes". -unknown

And how can I stand here and not be moved by You? Could You tell me, how could it be any better than this? -"Everything" by Lifehouse

I'm so hungry I could eat the north end off of a southbound skunk. -unknown

Allrighty, last time I promised some animal stories. I'll just start with a list of all of the animals that have bitten me, and if I feel that any one particular animal needs explanation, I'll stop and explain.
  • Cat
  • Dog
  • Hamster - (my fingers and the palm of my hand) I probably had salt on my hands, and Andi's hamster was just a jerk.
  • Mouse - (on the nose) I was a tot, and I held the mouse up to my nose to cuddle with it.
  • Gerbil - (callus on my finger) once again, salt or something. when he bit down, he couldn't get his teeth out of my callus. So he was stuck and I flung him across the room.
  • Turtle - (knuckle on pointer finger) it was a snappin' turtle.
  • Snake - (thumb) trying to see how many I could catch in a row
  • Goat? I'm not sure.
  • Duck - (the butt) My neighbor had ducks. Apparently I made Donald mad.
  • Robin - I attempted to reach into her nest and she pecked at me... not really bitten.
  • Rabbit - she was just a freaking vampire bunny. she bit through the sleeve of my hoodie and had there not been material there she would have taken a huge chunk out of my arm. I was just left with a bruise the size of a quarter-dollar on my arm for over a week.
  • Fish - I swim with fish, they bite occasionally.
I'm exhausted for the evening. Next time I'll share the stories of my animal killing sprees.

That's all for this evening. I think I'll close with this:

Good night everyone.

Monday, February 16, 2009

I'm going to be famous someday, so I'm going to just give a little background in case someone who doesn't know me reads this:

I'm 20, sophomore at Glenville State College, English Ed. major, I am a devoted Christian, I play the acoustic guitar-I have 3, I drive a five speed '98 plymouth acr neon, I have a mommy a daddy a sister and a brother, I live in the woods, I am a lot of fun.

So here's whats been going on in my life lately.

My hips have been going out. No, not on dates... I sure wish they would. My hips keep coming out of place. At first it was just the left, now it is accompanied by the right. At least they're doing it together as a team. I'll go to the doctor shortly to get this mess straightened out.

I love living in the dorms. Really. Pickens can be a hoot if you just give a boring evening time to develop. Before ya know it, you think you aren't in Glenville! I have a lot of favorite things about Pickens Hall. I will start with the floor. I've been warned on many an occasion not to eat food that I've dropped onto the floor. They said I'll get AIDS. I doubt it, the worst that can happen is that I'll develop a bad rash. Another thing I love about PH is the bathrooms! (Get ready kids, I have pictures for this one) My almost favorite thing in the world is going into the bathroom and seeing a giant turd in the toilet. Yes! I was waiting for it. Here's another favorite thing I have to look forward to:You guessed it kids! Its a used pad on the roll of toilet paper! Wow-geezy-oh-my... I can barely contain my excitement. At least this one was rolled up. I have other sarcastic favorite things about PH, but I'll save them for later. Right now, I'd like to talk about some actual favorite things about Pickens:

I enjoy living in the hall because of my awesome neighbors. They make it worth while. I enjoy living in a co-ed dorm because I can have boys in my room and my mother doesn't have a heat flash. I just recently hosted a party in my room actually. I enjoyed it, particularly due to certain company ;) Staying up late is kinda cool. Also, I'm doing that thing I swore I'd never do... the "p" word. Pro..procrr.... procrasst... I can't say it. I realized I'm not going to get a 4.0 this semester, so I might as well actually try to have fun this time :) I also enjoy living close enough to my classes that I don't have to get up more than 30 minutes before class. I like getting up and putting sweats on and brushing my teeth and running out the door. I consider it a challenge.

Well, I do believe I've written enough for one evening. Next time I'll tell you about all of the animals that have bitten me. Apparantly, those are good stories. I'll also tell you about all of the animals that I've killed. I just want to clarify right now--I didn't do it on purpose. I might post something of significance. I don't know. We'll see.

Until next time,