Saturday, July 31, 2010

So yesterday Seth, Adam, Briana, and I went to see "Dinner for Shmucks." It was THE funniest movie of the summer. We laughed (knee slapping, head tossed back, cackling, etc...) so hard throughout the whole thing. There wasn't a single minute where we were bored or though the plot lagged. It's a two-hour flick, but its mightily worth it :)

Seth finds out next week if he gets the position at UC. I can barely stand waiting anymore. But I know I'm supposed to "be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." (PH4:6) That can be a little difficult, but I feel so confident that he got the job that I'm already thanking God that Seth got it! I think I'll be very disappointed if he doesn't get it, not only because he wants so badly to be employed, but also because I'm trusting God to supply this for Seth. I just really hope Seth can eventually see God working all of this out for him. I don't think he see's God working this out for him yet. I hope he realizes it after its all over. I'm praying more and more that God will making Himself obvious to Seth throughout this process. I want Seth to trust God and to rely on Him for everything he's worried about. I love Seth.

If Seth gets this job, then I instantly become an apartment decorator! YAY! I'm so excited to help him organize things, wherever he ends up living, and helping him get straightened up in new living quarters. I'm also excited to marry the boy and move in with him! :)

My kitten is almost a big boy cat now. Within the next two months he'll get his balls chopped off. He's so pretty! I love his orange and white colors... And he's so ferocious. After he gets fixed they say he'll calm down a lot, which will be nice, but I also really like his feisty behavior :)

That's all for now, I reckon. I'll post more later....


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Feeling Blah

I can't wait for the summer to be over. I didn't think I would ever say that because I'm really not looking forward to this semester. It is going to be the most difficult one yet. I have over 60 observation hours to complete, along with four video-taped lessons that I have to teach, and Dr. Zane's American Novel class. I haven't read any of the books yet, and that's my own fault, but it is summer time and I feel that I should have this time to relax. The books aren't that long and I will be able to get through them easily.

I am looking forward to this semester in some ways. It is my last semester as a live-in college student. The spring semester will be my student teaching (which I think will be lonely and possibly boring). I really have to make an effort to enjoy this semester! College has gone by SO fast. :( I never thought it was going to end, but now here it is. It's almost over.

This is one of my latest photos that I edited. It's my eye; I just did lots of crazy things to it. Some of them are tinted, on others I changed the eye color, and others I changed the eye color and added eye shadow and eye liner.

I still really love doing this to pictures. It's somewhat of a stress relief for me. I enjoy just sitting back and being creative with pictures and letting my creativity spew forth.

I've wanted to do a collage like this for quite some time. I finally found the right picture to do it with, and I'm very pleased with the results.

I've been really emotional lately, and I'm not sure if it's because my college life is coming to an end and I'm just stressed about that, or if I'm slipping back into a depression again. Some of my emotions make me think that my depression might be coming back, like how aware of my weight I am. When I'm not depressed, I don't think about that at all and the weight comes off easier. I was working so hard this summer to lose weight and I only lost 1 or 2 pounds, but gained them right back. It's really hard to try to lose weight in the summer when you don't have something to cook with! I really feel like when the semester starts back up I'll be able to lose the weight better. I'll be really busy (no time to just eat when I'm bored), the salad bar will always be available to eat, I have scheduled times to go to the gym during the week, and my motivation will be stronger.

I can understand that maybe my emotions are just from getting ready to exit the college scene, because that's a pretty emotional thing to go through. I hope that's all it is. I don't want to go back on that medication. It made my hair fall out. It did help me lose 5-7 pounds though. But still, I don't wanna go back on it. I don't wanna be dependent on it.

This year will be rough without Seth. I spent ALL my time with him last year. He's the best, the greatest, the most wonderfulest ever. I have my friends, of course, that I'll be spending time with, and I'm on the event planning committee this year, but just not having Seth there for me will be hard. I like going to give him a big hug after a hard day, and I am really REALLY going to miss eating all my meals with him :( :(

It will be ok though. I'll have a lot of fun even though he's not here, and I'll get to see him often. I just really hope he gets the job at UC. I realllllly feel like he's going to get it, I just wish they'd contact him soon. It is going to be really exciting for him, and for me!

I'm so ready for some parts of this next year, but very not ready for other parts......

Until next time,

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Pretty excited for next week...

I'm pretty excited for next week. Tomorrow afternoon I'm going to eat lunch with my dad's extended family. After that is over I'm headin' to Clay to see my baby :) I'm planning on chillin' at his crib all day Monday; then on Tuesday Seth has an interview at the University of Charleston at 9am! So I'm going to go to the mall while he interviews. After he's done we're going back to my house and on Wednesday morning the whole family is getting up early to go to Kings Island til Thursday. Friday we'll come home, and I'm supposed to go to a wedding on Saturday, but the invitation never came :( So I don't know if I'll actually be going to that or not. It looks like a busy, but good, week ahead :)

What's on my brain:

I feel like I am never going to lose this weight; probably because I don't really NEED to lose it. I HATE the muffin-top look though. I still fit into my 7's, but the love-handles bunch out over the tops of my shorts... and FORGET low rise pants. I'm lookin' better in the bikini, but 10-15 pounds still need to come off.
My arms, legs, butt, and back are getting pretty toned though. Good ole GSC fitness center.... and when that's not available I suck it up and do a P90X video.
I've been doing the Ab Ripper like I'm supposed to - every other day. It's definitely getting easier. I still hate it though, but I wanna look good.

I'm really excited for Seth's interview on Tuesday. He's nervous but I KNOW he'll do great :) He has an outstanding personality and the interview will go just fine. I'd love for him to get this job because they would help pay for his Master's degree. That also means he doesn't have to start paying on his student loans for his under-grad quite yet. It also means he could afford an engagement ring sooner :)

I have this awesome new little kitty named Simba. He's a riot. The only problem is that he discovered the road today. I was taking Buddy, the dog, for a walk and I had barely even stepped out onto the road and Simba came running after us and jumped out into the road and crossed to the other side. I decided I didn't like any of that so I told Buddy to sit while I retrieved the cat. In the mean time, a little old lady started driving up, which worried me cause I hadn't caught the cat yet. Simba bounded up onto the road but I caught him. I waved a "I'm sorry!" look to the lady and she smiled and waved, but about that time Buddy decided he was tired of sitting in our yard, so he crossed the road too. So there I am, with a cat in one arm, trying to get the dog out of the road for the lady to get through. Whew... Stupid cat. It scared me. I love that little guy and I'd cry forever if he got run over.

Well, that's all that's really on my mind.... tata for now.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Some poems

Forget About Yesterday - A Sonnet

Dull light in the morning over the hills
gives you a chance to start over once more.
And hope lends strength for what your day wills.
You need not be worried of what is in store.
Yesterday was hard so your prayers for today
are blessings abundant, but dare not assume
an easy ride through. Life’s assorted bouquet
of events may cause your spirit to wilt or to bloom,
so keep your head high and try to withstand.
Never forget how to fight through the strife—
using all your might to grab hold with both hands.
Know this: So many important things in your life
happen when you least expect. Never give
away those moments that allow you to live.

What Makes Her Beautiful

It’s no doubt she looks good in a picture and the mirror agrees
that she’s America’s Next Top Model material. She seems to have it altogether,
but looks are deceiving. No one knows she starves herself into her size threes,
but that’s what makes her beautiful.

Her purse matches her shoes and she knows all the beauty tricks, but she has to steal
all these tips from her magazines. The only reason her lip gloss doesn’t smear
is because she frequently visits that reassuring mirror. She knows she isn’t real,
but that’s what makes her beautiful.

Relaying for life, studying hard, and donating to Goodwill were
never enough to impress the crowd. So she stopped using her best qualities--
her good sense of humor and genuine smile—because no one ever told her
that’s what makes her beautiful.

Explain to her that straight, white teeth don’t make her beautiful. Please show
her that she doesn’t need hair extensions and manicures. All she needs
is confidence, contentment, and a chance to be herself. She needs to know
that’s what makes her beautiful.

Monday, July 5, 2010

It has been over a year since my last post here and I don't even know where to start.

I think I'll just talk a little about what's happened since last year and try to keep this up as a journal-type blog.

May 2009 - Started growing "Vidalia," a marigold, in my window
May 09 - came home after finishing my sophomore year of college/couldn't find a job
Summer 09 - started talking to a boy (until Aug.) which was a waste of my time
Summer 09 - visited Mary Sue, helped out with a week of Engergy Express
Summer 09 - had to put my cat of 17 years, Sparkle, down
August 2009 - I became an RA at GSC where I made a lot of amazing new friends
August 09 - started my junior year of college
August 09 - started hanging out a lot with a really cool boy
August 09 - started gaining some weight :(
September 09 - On my birthday, the 18th, I got my first tattoo and my belly button pierced much to the disaproval of my parents/the cool boy went with me
September/October 09 - had a lot of fun with football season, friends, school, and watching a lot of flag football
October 09 - went to the Fright Farm in PA with friends and a cool boy
October 09 - "Vidalia" is now approximately 4 feet tall!
November 09 - achieved official boyfriend/girlfriend status with Seth Daniel Canfield on the 8th
December 09 - went to a Pittsburgh Steelers game with my boyfriend!
December 09 - Christmas happened/Seth met the whole family
December 09 - finsished out the semester
December 09 - "Vidalia" finally kicked the bucket...
January 2010 - Started the second semester of my junior year
January 10 - started working out in the gym again/did P90X irregularly
February 10 - had my first Valentine's Day with Seth at Cafe Cimino in Sutton, WV/It was a wonderful day!
March 10 - went to Disney in Orlando, Florida with Seth and his family for the week of Spring Break
April 10 - Went to the spring formal at GSC with Seth
May 10 - Seth graduated college and we celebrated 6 months on the 8th
May 10 - I finished my Junior year (and the best year) of college
May 10 - I got a new kitty and named him SIMBA!
June 10 - stayed at Glenville for the summer as an RA and took a summer class
June 10 - planted some daisies in Vidalia's old pot
June 10 - I had Lasik eye surgery!!! I see clearly now! :)
July 2010 - I am currently enjoying my summer, going back and forth from home to Glenville during the week, taking trips to Kings Island and Cedar Point with my boyfriend and family, and enjoying life completely.

I've been doing this Picnik thing on the interweb. I love it. It is a bunch of photo editing software and my mom got me the Premium settings for Christmas. I take my camera anytime I know I'll be outside and there will be good potential photos. My camera just broke on July 2nd.... during a fireworks show!! Boo! No pictures for me for awhile. Here's a few I've done in the past:

Seth is looking for a job. He has a phone interview on Wednesday for a Resident Director position at the Univ. of Charleston where he would work part-time and work on getting his Masters degree in Higher Education. I'm so proud of him!

I have one more Praxis test to take... English Content!! SCARY! I've done fine on all my others, but this one is tricky. I need to start studying. After I pass this Praxis I will make final preparations for my Student teaching semester in the spring and my graduation in May.

I'm trying to lose about 10-15 pounds. At the end of last May and during the summer I weighed 125. I weigh 140 now and I'm struggling to lose the weight because I guess its technically not weight that my body needs to lose. But it's a good thing for me because I've started eating very healthy and going to the gym regularly. I've lost 2 pounds but gained some weight in muscle. Mom says, "Don't be a slave to the scale, go by how your clothes fit." And she's right. I may weigh 145 but my clothes might fit like I weigh 137 due to muscle gain.

I stopped going to the tanning bed. I've just decided that it isn't good for my skin and I don't want to risk myself for cancer that way. I'll probably tan before my wedding and other special occasions, but not year-round. I still get plenty of sun from the literal sun anyway.
That's about it for now. More soon.